Friday, 9 November 2012

Flipped Classroom

I am of the view that flipping the classroom can  transform our teaching practices here in SVG. We will no longer have to stand in front of our students and talk at them for thirty to sixty minutes at a time. This radical change will allowed us to take on a different role with our students.
Flipping can transformed our classes in so many ways, but I am going to look at two very important ways I think will be benefical in our context here in St.Vincent and the Grenadines.
  •  Student interaction and;
  •  parent responses to flipping.
One of the greatest benefits of flipping is that overall interaction increases.The interactions between the teachers and the students increase, because the teachers now acts as a facilitator instead of acting as the person who has all the knowledge, there is also more interaction between, students and students, which allows for the development of  their own collaborative groups in the classrooms. The students work together to help each other to learn and they learn from each other.
Flipping also changes the way that teachers and parents communicate about their students . Gone will be the days when parents scome to to our open days to find out how their children are behaving in class. With this type of classrooms there will be one need for that; as parents would be coming specifically to find out how  as teachers can make their children better learners.They would therefore be seeking answers to the following questions;
  •  Do they have some missing background knowledge?
  •  Do they have personal issues that interfere with their learning?  Or are they more concerned with "playing school"  or "wasting time"rather than learning. 

When we (the parents and teachers) can diagnose why the child is not learning we create a powerful moment where the necessary interventions can be implemented.

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